Whitehead Lightkeeper Praised in 1849
The following letter appeared in the Lime Rock Gazette, East Thomaston, Maine, on April 5, 1849. The lightkeeper lauded was William Perry, Jr. who served at Whitehead Lighthouse from 1840 to 1841, and again, from 1845 to 1849. Based on the account, Keeper Perry was both heroic and hospitable in his actions to help the shipwrecked sailors…
“The masters and crews of the schooners Caroline, Edward and Welcome Return know of no more fitting mode of expressing to Mr. Perry (Light Keeper at Whitehead), their gratitude, then thus publicly to acknowledge that, under God, to his prompt, energetic, and almost superhuman exertions. Some of our number are indebted for their lives; and all for a speedy deliverance from their perilous situation when cast upon the Head during the gale of Sunday night last; as also for his many acts of kindness and hospitality since shown. These prove him a Man, and we should esteem ourselves as less than men did we not improve every fitting opportunity thus to represent him.”