Some lighthouses were built on desolate, wave-swept ledges or upon remote headlands to mark navigational hazards along important seacoast routes. However, a number of lighthouses were established as …
United States Lighthouse Service
U.S. Lighthouse Service Pennant
An eye-catching pennant once flew proudly aboard Lighthouse Service vessels, and later at the best kept light station in each district during the era of the United States Lighthouse Service. This …
Outgrowth of the Lighthouse Keeper: USCG Aids to Navigation Teams
Lighthouses and their keepers are inseparable - and always will be as long as they continue to stand, shine bright and bellow out their audible warnings into the future to come. For no matter how many …
Watching Over the Lights
We just celebrated the 231st anniversary of our nation’s Lighthouse Service on August 7th – and what a storied history it is. The rich traditions and legacies that have come to embody “keeping a good …
National Lighthouse Day – August 7th
Each year countless people look forward to the date of August 7th – and with good reason. Our nation’s lighthouse heritage not only traces its roots back to this historic day in 1789, it also is a …