Spiral of Time
(Photo by Bob Trapani, Jr.)
Within this spiral of time much in the way of lighthouse history still traverses. Such an inner sanctum is where the seen and unseen are conjoint evermore – sharing in the majesty of every unfolding moment and each memory etched. Its amplitude is astounding. Its lofty crown aglow endures.
Here, far-off sounds are near and the fervor of lighthouse duty past still stirs amid restless winds of change. Listen closely to hear whispers of lighthouse stories steeped in vigilance, solitude, heroism and tragedy. Behold the dedication and passion. For no other benevolent drama holds a candle to its deep emotional tug upon the heart.
Steps of bygone keepers yet echo, galloping storm winds forever howl, thunderous surf reverberates without ceasing and the distant sound of the fog bell still tolls amidst the veil of time and vapor. And a strong sense of families striving and thriving together – and many a mariner to shore safely arriving, yet lingers within this swirl of to and fro.
So take to the steps and ascend to light’s noble realm on high!