Moose Peak Light to Welcome Visitors on Maine Open Lighthouse Day

For the first time in the eleven year history of Maine Open Lighthouse Day, Moose Peak Light will be welcoming visitors to Mistake Island, which is located about five miles southeast of Jonesport.
The intrepid couple who owns 57-foot Moose Peak Lighthouse is very excited to be taking part in this popular event and are looking forward to the opportunity to share this seldom-seen sentinel with visitors.
The private owners will be making two boat trips (10 passengers per trip) from Jonesport to Mistake Island – one trip at 10:00 am and the other at 1:00 pm. The first twenty people to register for the trip at the email address listed below will be able to visit Moose Peak Light during Maine Open Lighthouse Day. The private owners will provide details as to where to meet in Jonesport, etc., once your reservation is confirmed with them.
If you would like to join them, RSVP to the following email address:
Not only will visitors be able to see Moose Peak Lighthouse, they will delight in the stunning beauty of 30-acre Mistake Island and the surrounding area near the island. No doubt visitors will be wowed by the entire experience – all the while seeing firsthand the passion and dedication the private owners have for restoring historic Moose Peak Light.
A light station was first established on Mistake Island in 1826. The current brick lighthouse dates back to 1851, though it did undergo some major modifications in 1888 when the U.S. Lighthouse Service outfitted the tower with an impressive second order lantern and a new spiral staircase.
In addition to the lighthouse, a fog signal building and boathouse also remain on the island. The last keepers were removed in 1972 when the station was automated. The United States Coast Guard still maintains the light and fog horn at Moose Peak. The primary light now is a VRB-25 rotating beacon, which flashes a white light every 30 seconds from 72 feet above sea level. The fog horn – a double-stack FA/232, sounds two blasts every 30 seconds.