Lighthouses in Time
(Photo by Bob Trapani, Jr.)
What once was is now but ripples in lost epochs traversed. Disbursed back when and promptly indexed within the annals of memory, the anterior gleams of our lighthouse past are deemed frozen ridges of bleary happenstance when viewed through the lens of the hurried present.
Surely the golden age of lighthouses has long been superseded by the velocity and exactness of all things digital, right? Some even say antiquity claims the utility of a lighthouse heretofore – its helpfulness forever relegated to the shelves of history that catalogues the obsolete.
Yet time’s litany of constraints – and the conclusions they spawn, are still unable to douse the radiant beams of a lighthouse. These hallowed rays remain elusive and enduring. They shine unabated through stationary ages gone by into the present. For light is indomitable. Light is good. Light is permanent. Its essence and lastingness are inextinguishable. So shine on you steadfast guardians of the deep and continue to transcend the bonds of time evermore.