In a Maine Lighthouse
(U.S. Lighthouse Society image)
The following small article appeared in November 1913 issue of The Ladies Home Journal. The article does not mention which lighthouse in Penobscot Bay, nor the name of the keeper – both probably by design, but it does provide a bit of insight into the notion of keeping an isolated lighthouse (and a promo for the magazine as well).
“A party of summer tourists visited a Penobscot lighthouse last summer, and after being shown the light by the keeper, a man in the party asked if he could not show the keeper the courtesy of sending him a year’s subscription to any magazine he wanted.
“’Well sir,’ said the keeper, ‘that shall be very kind of you.’
“’What magazine shall it be?’ asked the man.
(Maine Lights Today archives)
“’Well sir,’ said the keeper, ‘you’ll be surprised, I reckon, but my favorite magazine is The Ladies Home Journal, and I’d like it.’
“’Why do you choose that?’ asked the man; ‘you are not married, you said?’
“’Nor sir, and I know it’s supposed to be a woman’s magazine. Last year, sir, I had the Saturday Boston Transcript, The Outlook, The Saturday Evening Post and The Ladies Home Journal, and after reading them all for a year, sir, I like The Ladies Home Journal best. It’s human somehow.’”