A Shroud of Snow upon Lantern Panes
Here are some thoughts inspired by a visit to Pemaquid Point Lighthouse on January 20, 2023…
(Photo by Bob Trapani, Jr.)
Oh keeper of yore, I know there was a time when winter’s storm-sewn curtain of white would not have been draped upon your lantern panes. Not for a moment – not on your watch.
Regulation required clarity of glass and your devotion ensured its fulfillment both day and night. And no wonder, for in your time, it was paramount that a beacon’s lifesaving gleams were sent forth unrestrained. The fate of a mariner often depended upon the brilliance of the light and the hands that tended it.
Epochs change, and today no keeper is there to render service to a departed dictate once deemed vital. In this age we call progress, winter tempests still come a-calling – paying no heed to any such void at the lights. Yet, in some strange way, the snowstorm’s pearly shroud pays lasting tribute to your time and attention. I can only marvel at the notion and smile in remembrance.